Friday, September 20, 2013

   How DNA Proves the Existence of an Intelligent Creator God

The purpose of this article is to prove that the genetic information found in the DNA of all life forms along with the scientific laws governed by the Universal Definition of Information will refute the presupposition of the theories of materialism (embraced by atheists and secular humanists), and the theories of chemical and biological evolution. This article will also attempt to establish at the highest level of scientific certainty, the existence of an eternal, all-knowing, all-powerful Being, we know as God.   

First let’s look at what Materialism teaches: Materialism teaches that the Universe and everything in it is the product of natural processes; in other words, that everything that exists is nothing more than mass and energy; that there are no supernatural beings, no God, no angels, that there is only just mass and energy.   

Materialism is the foundation for the teaching of evolution which teaches there is an upward progression of life forms from the very simplest life forms (single-celled organisms), to the most complex life forms, however, there is an important component that is left out by this theory; the fact that this upward progression requires the addition of new functional genetic information which can only be introduced by the presence of new additional DNA. Before going further into a discussion on the information that is encoded into DNA, let’s start by first looking at the Universal Definition of Information.   

The Universal Definition of Information was developed in July of 2006 by a team of PhD scientists from around the world that convened together for 5 days to formulate what they came to coin as, the Universal Definition of Information. They first began in agreement that this definition needed to meet a universal requirement and have four characteristics, or attributes. Universal Requirement: It needed to work for everything in the Universe; that is, it needed to work in all biological and technological sciences. Attribute #1 -Information must have a code;   Attribute #2 - Information must have meaning; Attribute #3 - It must have an expected action;   Attribute#4 - It must have an intended or anticipated purpose.     

After 5 days of deliberation on this subject, this team formulated the Universal Definition of Information as being:  “An encoded, symbolically represented message conveying expected action and intended purpose.”   

Now let's look at several scientific laws firmly established in the world such as the law of Biogenesis which states that: “Life only comes from life." And the law of physics which states that: “Something material cannot create something nonmaterial.” “Material” being mass and energy and “nonmaterial” being thought and spirit. Since Information is a nonmaterial fundamental entity, it is not a property of matter. However, Information needs matter in which to reside in, for example, Information can be written into a book, spoken into words, conveyed through smoke signals, or written onto a CD-ROM. A book contains Information, but the book by itself is not Information. Likewise, a CD-ROM contains information but the CD-ROM in and of itself is not Information.  If you take a balance scale and weigh a blank CD-ROM, it will weigh exactly the same as a CD-ROM that has been encoded with 700MB worth of information containing the entire Bible as well as an Encyclopedia. In other words, Information has absolutely no mass.    

If we look at the laws of thermodynamics, it states: Mass and energy (matter) can neither be created nor destroyed and all the mass and energy in the universe is always being conserved (the total sum is always constant).  When you look at Information, it can be created and destroyed; this is proof that Information is not a material substance; however, the genetic information system that is encoded in DNA is information that must be recorded inside of matter and energy in order to convey the code that makes up all living things. 

Research conducted by three groups of scientists have produced undeniable evidence that a “mental intention (or thought process) can precede an actual neuronal firing in the brain, thereby establishing that the mind is not the same thing as the brain, but is a separate entity altogether.” In other words, this is irrefutable proof that “nonmaterial mind acts on material brain” and that human beings are not just composed of mass, energy, and chemicals, that humans possess a nonmaterial substance, which we know as Spirit. 

Dr. Even Alexander, a prominent American neurosurgeon who experienced a near-death experience in 2008, conducted extensive research on the brain in relation to consciousness and published his findings in a book titled, "Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife." At the time of this NDE experience, Dr. Alexander did not believe in an afterlife and was in fact a sceptic of it, but in his book Dr. Alexander explains in medical terms how he was able to arrive at a scientifically supported conclusion that consciousness does exist separately from the brain and that what he experienced could not have originated from within his own imagination.

Now let’s look at 3 Laws of Information: 1. That Information cannot originate by random chance (statistical processes) 2.That there is no known law of nature, no known process, and no known sequence of events which can cause Information to originate by itself in matter.  3. That Information can only originate from an intelligent Sender. 

These 3 laws of Information clearly refute the theory of evolution which teaches that in order for one species to evolve into a more complex species, it must somehow create or add new information by random chance. In addition to this, a corollary of the Laws of Information logically infers that any given chain of information can be traced backward to an intelligent source. 

Now let's discuss the properties of DNA. DNA is composed of molecules which contain the genetic coding for all living things. The decoded portions of DNA contains 4 letters (ATGC – for Adenine, Thymine, Cytocine, and Guanine) that make up words called codons that are comprised of 3 letters; each codon represents 1 of the 20 amino acids found in protein.   

Now we can see that the properties of DNA perfectly fulfill the requirements prescribed by the Universal Definition of Information which states that Information is: “An encoded, symbolically represented message conveying expected action and intended purpose.”  
DNA contains codes, and these codes symbolically represent messages (codons), which convey an expected action (codons are essential for the construction, function, maintenance, and reproduction of the entire organism), for the intended purpose of sustaining life. The Information contained within DNA meets the requirements set forth by the Universal Definition of Information because DNA contains the four required attributes.   

As discussed earlier when looking at the weight of a fully encoded CD-ROM, Information contains no mass and scientists have calculated that the information encoded in DNA is 5 billion times more compact than the information that can be stored on a 340GB hard drive. Now we can also arrive at the following conclusions: 
  • Since all living things contain DNA and since all DNA contains Information, we can conclude that there must be a Sender. 
  • Because all Information must have a Sender, and since the density and complexity of the DNA encoded Information is billions of times greater than man’s present technology, we can conclude that the Sender must be supremely intelligent.  
  • Because the information encoded in DNA far exceeds all our current technologies, then no human being could possibly qualify as the Sender, who must therefore be sought outside our visible world.  
  • Since the Sender must have encoded the information found in all DNA molecules as well as constructed the molecular biomachines required for its encoding, decoding, and synthesizing processes. 
  • Since the Sender must have also designed all the features for the original life forms, therefore we can conclude that the Sender must be purposeful and also be supremely intelligent.  
  • Since information is a nonmaterial fundamental entity and cannot originate from material quantities, we can conclude the Sender must have a nonmaterial component (which mankind calls Spirit). 
  • Since information is a nonmaterial fundamental entity and cannot originate from purely material quantities, and since information also originates from the mind, we must conclude that man’s nature must have a nonmaterial component, or Spirit, therefore man possesses Spirit. 
  • Since information is a nonmaterial fundamental entity, the assertion that the Universe arose and evolved solely from mass and energy can now be clearly refuted. 
  • Since biological information originates only from an intelligent Sender, and since all theories of chemical and biological evolution require that information must originate solely from mass and energy alone without a Sender, we can conclude that all scientific theories of chemical and biological evolution are false and therefore the theory of evolution cannot stand.  
Romans 1:19-20 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. 

When God gave us the Bible, He gave us His Information in written form; and by using the Universal Definition of Information:  “An encoded, symbolically represented message conveying expected action and intended purpose.”  We can see that the Bible is God’s encoded, symbolically represented message given to mankind, to convey His expected action, or Will, in order to achieve His intended purpose. The Bible was given to us to transfer over to us the information of how and why God created the Universe and Mankind, and why He had to send His only begotten Son to the Cross; the unfathomable mercy of God’s love for all those who call on His name and are called to be the inheritors of His glorious and everlasting kingdom in Heaven.        

When a person is preparing for his own death, he commonly leaves his Last Will and Testament to his heirs. God also has given us His Last Will and Testament written on the pages of the Bible.  In the book of Hebrews, God has conveyed to us the following Information:  

Hebrews 9:16-17 In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it,  because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living.    

Hebrews 9:22-27 And without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness [for sin]. It was necessary, then, for the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.  For Christ did not enter into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us. Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, as the high priest entered into the holy place every year with blood of others. Then Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But now he has appeared once for all at the end of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself. Just as man is destined to die once, and after this the judgment, so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation.


Riddle, Mike. “How DNA Destroys Evolution”.  Video presentation taped at the “Steeling the Mind Bible Conference” organized by Compass International, (Apr. 2004) retrieved from You Tube. Sept. 2013
Gitt, Werner and Kies, Jaap. Designed By Information.  New Leaf Publishing Group, 2006. Print.
Ashton, John and Wetacott, Michael. The Big Argument. Master Books, Jan. 2006 Print.

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