Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Word from the Lord given to Zachary Wilkinson on Dec of 2013

I, Jesus the Messiah, take my bride to be my lawfully wedded wife. I promise to devote my life to her for eternity, giving her the kingdom I have prepared for her. I will never forsake, nor ever leave her. She is mine to hold and nothing will ever come between us. I give this oath to you, my bride: to stay by my Word, and to not leave and go back on what was spoken by my lips. You are the apple of my eye and I will treat you with the utmost care and love. What is mine is yours, my bride; nothing that I have in my storehouse will be held back from you; ask, and you shall receive. My love for you, my bride, is a branch that never ceases to bear fruit; I will continually pour my love for you. As your husband, I will guide and lead you; I will be your comforter and protector through all things. Joy shall be your life, and pure love shall be the cup you drink from. I am the I AM; nothing is above I, for nothing but the Father is beside me. I give you this ring of my covenant with you: to always stay by my side and to never forsake me. I Jesus, take this hand in marriage in front of all my Creation: to show my pursuit and endurance in this marriage. I shall give her my life and whatever she asks, shall be granted. She is my love and I will make her feel special, for she has been loyal to the end, and has not left me for another. Take this ring, my bride, and accept this covenant: for I have given my life for you, and you have given your life for me. I will show you the hidden truths of my Creation as a gift of my love. I will treat you as royalty, with my love as a cornerstone. Take my hand and accept this marriage, for I have awaited this day: to show you my true love. You will have the work of my hands as your resting place, and your jewels and ornaments shall shine for eternity. You have made yourself ready for me, and have come out of your chamber to meet me. Thank you, daughter, for watching and awaiting for my return. I will not make your wait worthless: I shall make it beyond what your imagination can conjure up. I love you my bride, do not look back: for your time for the wedding supper is here! Listen to my voice and my voice only: for I am your everything, and nothing can match to me. This is your time to shine, my love, so shine bright of my love for you. Accept this marriage wholeheartedly and rest in my covenant. I love you my darlings; never leave my side!

Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Adonai, and King of Kings

Revelation 21:9-11 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came to me and talked with me, saying, "Come, I will show you the bride, the Lamb's wife." And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. 

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