Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Battle between God and Satan: Part 5 – Noah’s Flood

From the creation of Adam and Eve to the birth of Noah, ten generations reproduced and populated the Earth over a span of about 1,500 years. The Bible is clear that in those days before Noah’s flood, fallen angels took human woman as wives and produced children with them.

Genesis 6:1-4 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair, and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, “My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children unto them; the same became mighty men which were of old; men of renown.

It is an archaeological and scientifically proven fact that giants once lived on the Earth, and their skeletal remains are found all around the world. Their DNA has also been tested and shows that it contains non-human DNA. To view an excellent comprehensive documentary on this and Noah’s flood, go to this URL:  
These hybrid children of the fallen angels born to human mothers are called "Nephilim". Some of these Nephilim were giants, and some of them competed in Olympic style athletic competitions. They were what Genesis 6 refers to as "mighty men which were of old; men of renown." They were known to the Greeks as the demigods of Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hermes, etc., and to the Romans they were known as the demigods of Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Apollo, Mars, Vulcan, Neptune, Sol, Diana, Venus, etc. Not only did fallen angels intentionally corrupt human DNA, but they also corrupted animal DNA, and I believe that mythological stories of centaurs, minotaurs, satyrs, and mermaids are not factitious, but are true in nature. Fallen angels also taught mankind forbidden practices such as war and the creation of weapons of war, the wearing of makeup, the production and consumption of mind altering drugs, and much more. The books of Enoch have much to say about this period of time. Following are chapters 9 and 10 from the Book of Enoch.

From the Book of Enoch:
Chapter 9: 1. Then Michael and Gabriel, Raphael, Suryal, and Uriel, looked down from heaven, and saw the quantity of blood which was shed on earth, and all the iniquity which was done upon it, and said one to another, It is the voice of their cries; 2. The earth deprived of her children has cried even to the gate of heaven. 3. And now to you, O ye holy ones of heaven, the souls of men complain, saying, Obtain Justice for us with 1 the Most High. Then they said to their Lord, the King, Thou art Lord of lords, God of gods, King of kings. The throne of thy glory is for ever and ever, and for ever and ever is thy name sanctified and glorified. Thou art blessed and glorified. 4. Thou hast made all things; thou possessest power over all things; and all things are open and manifest before thee. Thou beholdest all things, and nothing, can be concealed from thee. 5. Thou hast seen what Azazyel has done, how he as taught every species of iniquity upon earth, and has disclosed to the world all the secret things which are done in the heavens. 6. Samyaza also has taught sorcery, to whom thou hast given authority over those who are associated with him. They have gone together to the daughters of men; have lain with them; have become polluted; 7. And have discovered crimes to them. 8. The women likewise have brought forth giants. 9. Thus has the whole earth been filled with blood and with iniquity. 10. And now behold the souls of those who are dead, cry out. 11. And complain even to the gate of heaven. 12. Their groaning ascends; nor can they escape from the unrighteousness which is committed on earth. Thou knowest all things, before they exist. 13. Thou knowest these things, and what has been done by them; yet thou dost not speak to us. 14. What on account of these things ought we to do to them?

Chapter 10 1. Then the Most High, the Great and Holy One spoke, 2. And sent Arsayalalyur to the son of Lamech, 3. Saying, Say to him in my name, Conceal thyself. 4. Then explain to him the consummation which is about to take place; for all the earth shall perish; the waters of a deluge shall come over the whole earth, and all things which are in it shall be destroyed. 5. And now teach him how he may escape, and how his seed may remain in all the earth. 6. Again the Lord said to Raphael, Bind Azazyel hand and foot; cast him into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Dudael, cast him in there. 7. Throw upon him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness; 8. There shall he remain for ever; cover his face, that he may not see the light. 9. And in the great day of judgment let him be cast into the fire. 10. Restore the earth, which the angels have corrupted; and announce life to it, that I may revive it. 11. All the sons of men shall not perish in consequence of every secret, by which the Watchers have destroyed, and which they have taught, their offspring. 12. All the earth has been corrupted by the effects of the teaching of Azazyel. To him therefore ascribe the whole crime. 13. To Gabriel also the Lord said, Go to the biters, to the reprobates, to the children of fornication; and destroy the children of fornication, the offspring of the Watchers, from among men; bring them forth, and excite them one against another. Let them perish by mutual slaughter; for length of days shall not be theirs. 14. They shall all entreat thee, but their fathers shall not obtain their wishes respecting them; for they shall hope for eternal life, and that they may live, each of them, five hundred years. 15. To Michael likewise the Lord said, Go and announce his crime to Samyaza, and to the others who are with him, who have been associated with women, that they might be polluted with all their impurity. And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment, and of consummation, until the judgment, the effect of which will last for ever, be completed. 16. Then shall they be taken away into the lowest depths of the fire in torments; and in confinement shall they be shut up for ever. 17. Immediately after this shall he, together with them, burn and perish; they shall be bound until the consummation of many generations. 18. Destroy all the souls addicted to dalliance, and the offspring of the Watchers, for they have tyrannized over mankind. 19. Let every oppressor perish from the face of the earth; 20. Let every evil work be destroyed.

The Bible states it grieved God in His heart that He had created mankind. Only Noah was found to be perfect in his generation, and he walked with God.

Genesis 6:5-9 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the Earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for I repent that I have made them.” But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

In order to “undo” what the fallen angels had done to corrupt all life on the Earth, God had to make the decision to bring Judgment upon the Earth, thus the plans were set for the destruction of all living things, except for Noah and his family, and a select number of "un-corrupted" animals.

The main difference between life on Earth as it existed before the flood of Noah's day, an life on Earth as it continued to exist after the flood, is that God was able to protect the future corruption of our DNA by imprisoning the fallen angels. As quoted above in Chapter 10 of the Book of Enoch, God ordered his Archangel Raphel to bind Azazyel and imprison him in a place called Dudael, after which God would restore the Earth.

Chapter 10:6-9 Again the Lord said to Raphael, Bind Azazyel hand and foot; cast him into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Dudael, cast him in there. Throw upon him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness; There shall he remain for ever; cover his face, that he may not see the light. And in the great day of judgment let him be cast into the fire. Restore the earth, which the angels have corrupted; and announce life to it, that I may revive it.

The judgment that God brought against Noah’s generation is very pertinent to the judgment God is preparing to bring upon our world here shortly. Jesus declared the following in Matthew 24.

Matthew 24:37-39 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

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