Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Battle between God and Satan: Part 9 - The Underworld

The Netherworld is the place to which one’s spirit descends upon death, conceived by most as a place that is below the surface of the earth, thus we refer to it as the Underworld. Most of the Mesopotamian deities lived in the sky, but a few unfortunate ones dwelt in the underworld and were not permitted to leave.

Ereshkigal is Queen of the Netherworld, and Nergal is King of the Netherworld

According to legend, Enki’s twin sister Ereshkigal had lost her husband Gugalana, the bull of heaven, to a demigod hero by the name of Gilgamesh. In mourning for her fallen husband, Ereshkigal wished to be at home with her grief in the underworld and willingly descended there. Because Ereshkigal is the daughter of the Most High God, Anu, she became Supreme Goddess there, and was the only one who could pass judgment and give laws in her kingdom. Once there, she birthed her firstborn son to Enlil, named Nergal, who later became King there.

Nergal - god of plague and death - King and Governor of the Netherworld
Nergal is the beloved firstborn son of Enlil born to Ereshkigal before he raped the goddess Ninlil. It is said that Enlil offered Ereshkigal the Earth as a dowry, after which she bore Nergal. He was considered responsible for diseases and pestilences, and it was said that he commanded sixty diseases in the form of demons that could penetrate different parts of the human body, and that offerings to him were made to prevent those illnesses. In some writings, Nergal is regarded as the personification of death, much like the concept of the Grim Reaper. Some have associated Nergal as a fiery bird, similar to the Phoenix that rises out of the ashes.

In the Amarna account of Nergal and Ereshkigal, Ereshkigal summons Nergal to return to the Underworld to be her consort. Nergal travels there accompanied by seven demons who take up positions at each of the seven netherworld gates, and the he makes a rush to kill Ereshkigal:

Inside the house, he seized Ereshkigal by her hair,
Pulled her from the throne to the ground, intending to cut off her head.
"Don´t kill me, my brother! Let me tell you something"
Nergal listened to her and relaxed his grip.
He wept and was overcome when she said:
"You can be my husband, and I can be your wife,
I will let you seize Kingship over the wide Earth!
I will put the tablet of wisdom in your hand,
You can be master, I can be mistress."
Nergal listened and kissed her. He wiped away her tears,
"What have you asked of me? After so many months, it shall certainly be so!"

When Nergal leaves the Underworld to return home, Ereshkigal becomes enraged and threatens that if he does not return to her she will “raise up the dead so that they will eat the living”.

“If you do not send that god to me
According to the rites of Erkalla and the great Earth,
I shall raise up the dead, and they will eat the living.
I shall make the dead outnumber the living!'"

Given the seriousness of Ereshkigal’s threats, the gods had little choice but to comply and force Nergal to return to her. Once eternally banished there, Nergal decided to make the most it and demanded the right to rule there as King, and Ereshkigal happily obliged.

Thanatos and Hades
The Underworld is a place that currently must exist in order to hold the souls of the dead who are not able to ascend up. According to statistics, about 153,000 people die every day, and I believe a majority descend into the Netherworld. At the end of the millennial rule, however, according to Rev 20, Death and Hades are going to deliver up the dead.

Revelation 20:12-13 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and Death and Hades delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

In Revelation chapter 6, at the opening of the fourth seal, a rider is seen riding on a pale horse, and the rider has a name, and his name is Thanatos, and with him is another entity called Hades.

Revelation 6:7-8 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, “Come and see.” And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Thanatos, and Hades followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

I believe that the rider of the pale horse, Thanatos, is one of Enlil’s ten sons, Nergal, who is the god of plague and death. And the reason that Hades must follow him is because she, Ereshkigal, is going to receive all the souls of the unsaved people who die at that time. If Nergal is allowed to kill one fourth of the world’s population, then that means that about 1.75 billion people are going to die after the opening of the fourth seal. We can know that Nergal is a very powerful god, the son of Enlil, and Ereshkigal is another very powerful goddess who she is the equal in power to her twin brother Enki. Our world, the Earth, is ruled by these powerful Gods; Enki, the Father of Jesus Christ, Enki’s sister, Ninhursag, who is the Goddess of the Earth, Satan, the God over the unsaved, Ereshkigal, Goddess of the Underworld, and Nergal, the son of Satan.

I that when the passage above of Rev 20 tells us that Death and Hell deliver up the dead, it is referring to Nergal, the god of Death, and Ereshkigal, who is Hade. The Greek words used in this passage for Death and Hades are Thanatos (Death) and Hades (Hades). Both Thanatos and Hades were Greek gods of the Greek Pantheon. The term "Hades" in the Bible is parallel to the Hebrew word, sheol , (meaning grave, or pit), and refers to the abode of the dead, and is also referred to as Tartarus.

Please remember that in speaking about these 2 gods, Thanatos, and Hades, (Nergal and Ereshkigal) we are talking about omni-potent, omnipresent deities with immense power that has been legally granted them by the decrees that are written in the Tablets of Destiny.

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