Sunday, October 11, 2015

Our Present Age
and how it will end



“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic – Dresden James

As explained by Desden James in the quote above, it has been impossible for me to write about certain things the Lord has revealed to me because no one reading this book would ever believe it. Satan, the master deceiver that he is, has successfully been able to pull the wool over the eyes of the entire world by “gradually selling his lies to the masses over generations”. The nations of the world have been persistently and systematically brainwashed since that fatal deception that occurred in the Garden of Eden.

This book begins by explaining what the Divine Council is, where it is referenced in the Bible, and how they are related to the Anunnaki. It is unfortunate that millions of people now believe that the Anunnaki are extraterrestrials that came to Earth from Nibiru looking for gold, which is simply not true. Data extracted from thousands of ancient Sumerian tables has been harmonized with data from the Bible and many other books to show that the Anunnaki are powerful deities that have been alive throughout several Ages of our Universe, and are the original pantheon of creator gods. The Anunnaki are the god children of the Most High Parents, and are celestial beings who are also known to us as angels, archangels, and fallen angels. These deities belonged to the Divine Council of the Old Testament under the authority of Jehovah; however, some of them were indicted for ignoring the poor and favoring the wicked, and were banished to the Underworld. Although it is uncertain how many of them exist, we can at least know that 200 of them descended upon Mt. Hermon in the days of Enoch. These deities have engaged in many angelic wars in Ages past, and are now divided into at least 2 or more warring factions, two of which I will be referring to as the House of Jehovah and the House of Satan.

I will also show how the Bible teaches that Jehovah is not the same deity as the Most High God, but is rather the second born son. I will use data from the Bible and from ancient texts to show that both Jehovah and Satan spawned from the Most High God, which is why Satan has always been the coregent of Jehovah. Because these 2 Gods are at war against each other, our present Age will end with a colossal battle in Armageddon that will involve both the physical and the Spiritual realms. The physical aspect of this battle will result with the destruction (or passing away) of Heaven and Earth, and the Spiritual aspect will result in the separation between the wheat and the tares (the sheep and the goats). Because the Son of God (the Word of Jehovah) has been granted to be the supreme authority over the Universe, He was able to defeat Satan’s power over those who belong to the House of Jehovah by the supernatural mechanism held behind the shedding of His blood on the Cross, and by His resurrection. Because Christ holds the title of Lord of Lords and King of Kings, upon gathering all His Saints together on the Last Day, they will defeat the House of Satan at the Battle of Armageddon, and Satan and his kingdom will all be cast into the lake of fire.

I will show that behind Jehovah’s plan of Salvation for mankind, His agenda has always been to provide a bride for His Son, and how the Father and the Son have been following the traditions of the Jewish wedding process since the beginning of this Age, which will culminate with the marriage supper of the Lamb at the end of this Age. 

I will also show that the purpose of the final tribulation is threefold: #1- to open the eyes of Jehovah’s prodigal sons; #2- to ensnare those who belong to the House of Satan; and #3- to completely destroy Babylon, which is Satan’s kingdom on Earth. Those who do not accept Christ as Lord will become “snared” by the strong delusion that is coming. All those who reject the Son, will receive the mark of the beast, which is not an RFID chip, but rather it will be RNA coding that will mark (bind) them as tares. Just as a trapper sets a snare for the prey he is trying to catch, so also Jehovah will set a snare for all those who reject His Son.

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