Sunday, October 11, 2015

Our Present Age
and how it will end

Chapter 8 – UFOs and the Nazis

The governments of the world have been keeping all information regarding UFOs tightly guarded in secrecy. When I refer to UFOs here, I am referring to anti-gravity crafts, flying discs. It is a well-known fact that the Nazis were the first to manufacture anti-gravity crafts in the 1920s, and by the 1940s their crafts were able to travel to any location in the world within 15 minutes.

After the defeat of the Nazis in WWll, hundreds of their UFO scientists were transferred to the US along with their technology, where they continued their work in secret locations, such as Area 51. Funds for these secret “black projects”, i.e. the secret space program and the building of DUMBs (deep underground military bases), is why the US Government allots 57% of its budget to the Military.
Doc Marquis, who was born into an Illuminati family but later converted to Christianity, has produced several documentaries exposing the Illuminati. In his documentary called, “Aliens? Fallen Angels? Antichrist”, he states that the Illuminati have spent the past 75 years promoting a worldwide belief in aliens and UFOs by means of radio, TV, movies, and other media for the purpose of one day explaining away the Rapture, which they know is going to happen. Their planned deception is succeeding because the world’s belief in UFOs and aliens is now at an all-time high. Books written by Zecharia Sitchin, Immanuel Velikovsky, and Erich von Däniken’s have also contributed to this worldwide acceptance that aliens and UFOs come from outer space.

A brief history of German anti-gravity crafts
The Nazis were the first to build disc shaped anti-gravity crafts in the 1920s. After their defeat in WWII, hundreds of their UFO scientists were transferred to the US along with their technology, where they continued their work in secret locations, such as Area 51. The manufacturing of these crafts by the US military has always been tightly guarded as Top Secret, and there are several reasons for this; one main being the need of a secret “black budget”, which is why NASA was established, and why the US Government allots 57% of its budget to the Military.

The Thule Society
The idea of the Nazis to manufacture anti-gravity crafts has its origins from a secret society called The Thule Society, which was originally a German study group founded in 1918. The group was named after the mythical capital city of a country in Greek mythology named Hyperboria, which is where they believed the Aryan race originated. The Greeks thought that Boreas, the god of the North Wind, lived in a region that lay far to the north, often associated with Iceland. Hyperborea is supposedly a perfect land, where the sun shines twenty-four hours a day, and where some today believe is actually located beneath Antarctica (similar to the hollow Earth theory). During Nazi expeditions to Tibet in 1938-1939, they learned more about the origins of the Aryan race, which brought their attention to Antarctica.

The primary focus of the Thule Society was a claim concerning the origins of the Aryan race, and they indoctrinated people by requiring them to sign a special "blood declaration of faith" concerning their lineage. In it they would declare that no Jewish or colored blood flowed in neither theirs nor their spouse’s veins, and that among their ancestors were no members of the colored races. Founding members of the Thule Society were strongly influenced by occult teachings, freemasonry, racism, and admiration for old pagan cultures. Their racial ideologies soon developed into an agenda for planning the elimination of all non-Aryan races, and heading their list were all blacks, gypsies, and Jews. They also adopted the eagle as their symbol.

The Vril Society
The other German secret society group called, the Vril Society, is today a Nazi cult group that carries on the belief that they can live forever in a subterranean world by means of an energy force, or power, called Vril. They believe that one day they will be able to take over the world, and actually came close to achieving this by their influence into the highest ranks of the German power structure in the 1930’s. They were consciously dedicated to the service of evil by their impact on the founders of the Nazi party, and they purposefully instilled that evil into their senior leadership.

The Vril Society began in 1918 in a holiday town named Berchtesgaden in Bavaria, where Adolf Hitler owned a vacation home. One summer day, 2 psychic mediums and some high ranking German nationalists secretly gathered in an old hunting lodge to create a powerful inner circle called “The All German Society for Metaphysics” that would later become known as The Vril Society. One of its leaders was a man named Rudolf von Sebottendorf who was an active occultist, freemason, alchemist, and one of the founders of The Thule Society. Another founder named Dietrich Eckart, became one of the master minds of the Nazi party, and is said to have even trained Hitler on how to become a charismatic leader by tapping into occult powers. The 2 men were joined by 2 female psychic mediums, who it was said, could lift objects with their minds and perform various occult phenomena. One of these ladies named Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, claimed she was in direct communication with Aryan aliens living in Alpha Centauri, in the Aldebaran system. The other medium, named Sigrun, during a trance received a vision of who she prophesied would be “the next German Messiah”, whose name she said was Adolf Hitler. Hitler and many of his high ranking officers eventually all became members of this club, and Hitler, who became its most senior member, began to take full advantage of his influence over its members in his rise to the top, and it was here where their belief in a supreme Aryan race flourished. 

The Vril Society believes that a race of superior beings established themselves on Earth in ancient Sumeria, and are the original ancestors of the Aryan race. The word “Vril” comes from the old Sumerian word “Vri-il”, which means, “like god”. The members of the Vril Society claim that these highly ascended beings are now living light years away, but have instructed them on how they are planning to build a superior race of Aryan beings on the Earth.  

According to Doc Marquis, it was from these 2 secret societies, The Thule Society and The Vril Society, from which all modern beliefs in UFOs came from. During the Nazi regime’s last 2 years in power, they teams of scientists who worked on secret projects of which their ultimate scheme was their flying disc project, a concept based on Vril Society ideas. During Operation Highjump, the vimanas and other antediluvian technologies the Nazis were said to have discovered in Antarctica, were taken back to the US to be worked on in black projects within American DUMBs (deep underground military bases).

In the summer of 1922, the first German saucer-shaped flying machine was built, whose drive was based on implosion, rather than explosion. The performance of this first flying disk is not known, but experiments were carried out with it for two years before it was dismantled and probably stored in the Augsburg works of Messerschmidt. In accounting books of several German industrial companies, entries under the codename "JFM" (for Jenseitsflugmaschine) were found showing payment contributions towards financing this work.

The VRIL DRIVE (formally called "Schumann SM-Levitator") emerged from this machine, and before the end of 1937, the RFZ-2 was ready, with a Vril drive and a “magnetic field impulse steering unit. It tested to be fully functional and was used in 1941 during the Battle of Britain as a transatlantic reconnaissance craft, because the German standard fighter ME 109 had an insufficient range for this mission. Due to the craft's small size and experimental impulse controls, the RFZ-2 could only make turns of 90, 45, and 22.5 degrees, making it unsuitable as a fighter aircraft. In 1941, the RFZ-2 was also used to transport mining equipment and supplies to Neu Schwabenland prior to its sinking in December 1941. It is said that the knowledge used to build this craft came from technology directly developed from Maria Orsic and her co-medium Sigrun’s channeled information.  

The SS Haunebu I craft was first tested in 1939, was capable of taking off vertically, and could hover for 19 minutes. It could hold a crew of 8, and could travel up to 18 hours between the speeds of 3,000 mph (in low altitude) and up to 10,000 mph (in high altitude space). Its underbelly was mounted with KSK gun wand could transmit a powerful energy burst able to pierce up to 4” of enemy armor. The heavy gun installation, however, badly destabilized the disc and in subsequent Haunebu models lighter MG and MK cannon.

The SS Haunebu II craft – The Haunebu II, Do-Stra (Dornier STRAtospharen Flugzeug/Stratospheric Aircraft) was first tested in 1944, could endure a 55 hour flight, hover for 19 minutes, and hold a crew of 9 (with room for 20 people). It could travel at speeds of 3,700 mph (in low altitude) and at 13,000 mph (in high altitude space).  

The SS Haunebu III craft first flew in 1945, could endure a flight of 8 weeks, hold a crew of 32, and hover for 25 minutes. It travelled at 4,400 mph (at low altitude) and 25,000 mph (in space).

The SS Haunebu IV craft – Not as much is known about the Haunebu IV except that it was a heavily armed flight gyro that was about 400 feet in diameter and was projected for use in 1946.

Project Paperclip
After Hitler was defeated in WWII, hundreds of Nazi occultists and scientists were secretly taken back to the US under Operation Paperclip/Odessa to develop Jack Parson’s JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). The German scientists, who included Wernher Von Braun, continued to work on projects which introduced this secret technology to the US Government. This is also when the WWII OSS (Office of Strategic Services) was transformed into the CIA, and who some claim have since then been working inside American DUMBs building up the army of the coming New World Order.

 At the beginning of 1943, the SS planned to build a cigar-shaped mother ship called, the ANDROMEDA DEVICE. It was 456 feet in length and could transport several saucer-shaped crafts in its body, for flights of long durations.

The main item on the agenda of a meeting held on January 22, 1944, was the ALDEBARAN PROJECT. In attendance at the meeting were Hitler, Himmler, Kunkel (of the Vril Society), Dr. Schumann, and the two mediums, Maria Orsic and Sigrun. The mediums had received precise information about the habitable planets around a star named Aldebaran, and one of the mediums began to plan a trip there. From this meeting, plans were made to send the VRIL-8 (Odin), a large-capacity craft through a dimension channel (a portal) independent of the speed of light to Alderbaran. A lone prototype of the craft was constructed before the close of the war and was to be used for evacuation work for Thule and Vril in March 1945. There is a long article published at "" that describes the Nazi bases that now exist in Antarctica, and their relationship to Top Secret CIA-NSA Alien bases near Dulce, New Mexico.  
Following is a quote from an interview with author Jim Marrs regarding a plans by the US government to stage an alien invasion.

“There are plans, contingency plans, and government files that at some point, when they can’t make the international enemy list work, is this: at one point back in the early twentieth century, it was the international Jewish conspiracy; well, that fell apart. Then there was the international Communist conspiracy, and then that fell apart; now it’s the international terrorist conspiracy, and yet, if you stop and think about it, how’re we supposed to believe that’s real when they will not do anything to secure the borders of the United States? So that’s a sham too, and when that begins to fall apart, then – according to authoritarian sources – the next thing is going to be a threat from outer space just like Ronald Reagan warned us about in his speech to the United Nations. So, if you don’t want to be panicked and stampeded by this phony threat from space, then you’ll study the UFO issue and you’ll find out the truth about the issue. And then when they say: ‘Oh, no, there really are aliens and they’re coming to eat you and you have to give up all the rest of your liberties so we can protect you’, you can say: ‘Nah, I don’t think so.’”

Project Blue Beam
The agenda behind Project Blue Beam is to cause enough fear and chaos to break out throughout the whole world in order that people will become desperate, and then willingly want to accept the New World Order. According to Doc Marquis in his You Tube Documentary, “Aliens? Fallen Angels? Antichrist”, the Illuminati had control over Adolf Hitler in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s and he was helping them (as their puppet) to take over the world and create a New World Order, but because he was defeated, the manufacturing of UFOs was transferred to the US. He also explains how Satan first attempted to take over the world and prevent the birth of Christ before Noah’s flood by commanding 200 of his angels to descend to Mt. Hermon. Their agenda was to manipulate the human genome and create a race of giants that would completely populate the land of Canaan and prevent the Messiah from ever born or from preaching the gospel there. This plan was defeated the first time by the flood, and then defeated again after the flood when Jehovah sent his armies to wipe out the Canaanites. Marquis believes that after this, Satan’s next plan was to go underground to begin to create a race of smaller beings that would be easier to hide, and also be better protected because they were living underground. According to Marquis, many different races of aliens were created underground, but the main race they chose to maintain was the 4 ft high gray alien, which he believes will be used to man UFOs on the day of disclosure.

The agenda of Project Blue Beam goes as follows:
Step 1: To achieve the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge by the discovery of new artifacts that will explain to all people the error of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted.

Step 2: To create a world-wide fake alien invasion involving the use of holographic images projected into the skies. These images will also appear to be speaking to the nations in their native languages.

Step 3: The use of “Telepathic Electronic Two-Way Communication" in order to cause people into believing that “God” is speaking to them through telepathy, projected into the head of each person individually using extreme low frequency radio waves.

Step 4: To cause humanity think an alien invasion is occurring in every major city, and that the Rapture is either about to happen, or has already happened.

The world has already been primed by decades of brainwashing into accepting that all aliens and UFOs come from outer space. After causing a full breakdown of society by means of artificially induced cataclysmic events, they are going to use real UFOs manned by gray aliens created and bred in DUMBs, along with holographic images supported by Project Blue Beam, into causing the whole world to believe in a real alien invasion, and to also explain away the Rapture, just as they did with the events of 9/11.


In his book called, “The Rise of the Fourth Reich”, Jim Marrs discusses evidence gathered over the past 60 years regarding plans the Nazis began to make at the end of WWll to preserve what remained of the Third Reich. In it, he discloses that many high-ranking Nazis fled to the US, South America, and Antarctica along with hundreds of scientists and many of their young and fanatical protégés, and how they were able to launder millions of dollars selling their European loot to create corporate front companies in many countries, including the US. They were also able to preserve their secret weapons technology and used it as a bargaining chip in continuing their involvement in the space race.

An article called, “The Swiss banking empire: center of the Fourth Reich”, written by Laurent Murawiec and Evelyn Lauber, explains that the Nazis seized, or “looted” a large amount of gold that “went through an earmarked BIS account at the Swiss National Bank. The bank disguised the BIS gold as payments to the U.S. Red Cross and German legations to Switzerland to escape U.S. investigation.” According to Farrell, the Bilderbergers and other banking elites were involved in laundering funds to support the Nazis, and there was an investigation that found and closed down 750 companies that were funding them. An exiled Nazi named Martin Bormann working with Argentine General Perone, controlled about 800 million dollars in 1945 for their projects in Argentina. An article called, “How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power”, give details about George Bush's grandfather (Prescott Bush), who was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.

In his book, “The SS Brotherhood of the Bell”, Dr. Farrell talks about a mysterious Nazi secret weapons project code-named “The Bell”, that was headed by a 4-star SS general named Hans Kammler. He writes about how The Bell, Kammler, and all project records disappeared completely, but believed to have been flown to Argentina. As a prelude to this move and to protect the secrecy of the project, the SS murdered 60 scientists and technicians involved with the project.  

In an interview with GeorgeAnn Hughes on the Byte Show, Dr. Farrell stated the following: “The Bell disappeared because it represented the pinnacle of Nazi science and technology; so much so; that they classified it higher than any other secret weapons project in the Third Reich, even higher than their atomic bomb. The reason the Nazis did not use The Bell to win the war was because it would have been useless to them that late in the war, and instead of risking the chance of losing The Bell to another country, they decided to preserve that technology and mostly likely to develop it either quasi-independently in some host country, or altogether independently in some secret base somewhere, because it represented such a radical new departure in physics and technology. They also mostly likely used it as a bargaining chip saying, ‘If you leave us alone we will share some of this technology with you’.”  Dr. Farrell believes that Nazis are still being used in US Black Projects program, where they continue to develop their technology using American tax-payer money. He stated, “There has always been a rogue element in American Intelligence that many authors have written about, but that none are too certain where it ultimately stems from; but when the US took in this science, along with its political elements, into the bosom of our National Security establishment, our country in essence created this rogue element that has never been adequately and publically identified as to where it came from, which was Nazi Germany, and never owned up to…Nazi secret technology is at the core of all secret space programs, which includes chemical rockets, and that this technology has made its way to the Soviet Union and to Brazil. The power behind this physics when it has become weaponized is so great, that it can make a hydrogen bomb look like a firecracker, and it is also diverse enough to be used for weather manipulation, earthquake manipulation, even for emotional manipulation, and diseases…Kurt Davis [a Nazi scientist], became director of a Nasa space program while his expertise is not at all related to rocket science, but was a high voltage scientist who designed the high voltage power plant for The Bell, became the head of the Marshall Space Flight Center, and it was all funded by American tax-payer money.”

The Fourth Reich is completely prepared to not only take over our US National Security establishments, but have also set themselves up to move quickly into world domination working side by side with the families of the Illuminati, the United Nations, the banking systems, and secret societies, while the world is kept happily distracted by their senseless TV shows, movies, video games, and other diversions.

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