Present Age
and how it will end
Chapter 15 - The Illuminati, WWIII, and
the New World Order
The 13 families of the Illuminati are the top
echelon of the Elite who control the world, and it is said that the top family,
the Rothschilds, are worth $500 trillion dollars. It is also well known that
the Illuminati worship Lucifer (Satan), and they are one of Satan’s most
important and most powerful structures that are under his controls. The
Illuminati have close ties with Freemasonry and other secret societies, and
have branched themselves out into all the major institutions of the world, even
inside Christian churches. It is also known that the Illuminati have planned
all the major wars of the world, including WWI and WWII, and have already
planned WWIII. Following is an excerpt of a letter written in 1871 by a high
ranking Freemason named Albert Pike, addressed to an Italian activist named Giuseppe
"The First World War must be brought
about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the
Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic
Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the
Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to
foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used
in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the
"The Second World War must be
fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and
the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism
is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to
institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second
World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to
balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check
until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."
"The Third World War must be
fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur"
of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of
Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the
Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel)
mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more
divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of
complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall
unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a
formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to
the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of
the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to
defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will
exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude,
disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that
moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but
without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true
light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of
Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will
result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the
destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated
at the same time." (Quoted from the book, “Satan: Prince of This
World”, by Cmdr. William Guy Carr)
Elite and the New World Order plan to kill 6.5 billion people, in their
“population reduction agenda”. In an article written by Paul Joseph
Watson, he states: “There are still large numbers of people amongst the
general public, in academia, and especially those who work for the
corporate media, who are still in denial about the on-the-record stated
agenda for global population reduction, as well as the consequences of
this program that we already see unfolding. We have compiled a
compendium of evidence to prove that the elite have been obsessed with
eugenics and its modern day incarnation, population control, for well
over 100 years and that goal of global population reduction is still in
full force to this day.
Bible talks about the Elite who try to control the world, and about
WWIII, and about the New World Order, one only needs to know where to
look. The Illuminati are ruled by evil, as Satan is their God, and they
have been conspiring over the past 100 years with strategic plans for
the subversion of mankind and world dictatorship. Following is a short
and partial list of what they believe in.
1. That people are nothing more than “parasites” and “useless eaters”.
2. That mankind is “infected” with the idea of freedom and “so-called liberalism” and they want to “end liberty”.
3. They
plan to “commit temporary evil from which will emerge the good of an
unshakable rule.” That violence and terrorism “produces the best results
in governing the ignorant masses.”
4. That
“power should remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such
strength that no cunning can undermine it. The end justifies the
5. That
“honest and moral politicians are unskilled and unstable. The political
has nothing in common with the moral. The ruler who is governed by the
moral is not a skilled politician, and is therefore unstable on his
6. Human
rights are meaningless to them and they believe people should be ruled
by force, as they declare: “Direct our attention not so much to what is
good and moral as to what is necessary and useful.”
7. They
do not believe in democracy, but in socialism, as they declare; “It is
only with a despotic ruler that plans can be elaborated extensively and
clearly in such a way as to distribute the whole properly among the
several parts of the machinery of the State: from this the conclusion is
inevitable that a satisfactory form of government for any country is
one that concentrates in the hands of one responsible person… We support
communism. We appear as saviors but our power is in the chronic
shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because he is made
the slave of our will, and he will not find strength or energy to go
against our will.”
8. They
believe in planned wars in order to achieve their goal for world
domination, as they declare: “Wars will be started on economic grounds.
Nations will receive our monetary assistance. Our millions of watchful
eyes [spies & surveillance] will put both sides of war at the mercy
of our international agency. National rights will be wiped out by our
international rights and we will rule the indebted nations. We are bred
and reared since childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world. We
shall choose government administrators for servile obedience as easy
pawns in our game.
9. They
believe in the destructive of education as they declare: “The
intellectuals will teach all of the ‘false information from science’
which our agency specialists have cunningly pieced together for the
purpose of educating their minds in the direction that we want.
Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism. The Media will create discontentment
and be made indispensable. Through the Press we have gained the power to
influence while remaining ‘in the shadows’. Thanks to the Press, we
have gathered GOLD out of oceans of blood and tears.”
10. They
believe in creating poverty and causing bankruptcy as they declare:
“Our goal is now only a few steps away and all the States of Europe will
be locked in our coil…Disorders and bankruptcy will be universal. The
constitution scales will break down. Forces are set in opposition to one
another. We have armed all parties.”
11. They
have plans to create social unrest as they declare: “The moment of
attack will be known only to us. Abuses of Power will put the final
touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow and everything
will fly skyward under the blows of the maddened mob. Poverty is a
weapon. All people are chained down to heavy toil by poverty believing
that one way or another, they might free themselves. We have included in
the constitution fictitious, not actual rights.”
12. They
are planning on a worldwide economic collapse to help bring in the
complete social breakdown of all nations and bring in the New World
Order, as they declare: “There will be a universal economic crisis.
Stock exchanges will shut down. Industry will be brought to a
standstill. We shall throw the mobs of workers on the streets
simultaneously in all European countries and they will loot and kill.
Hatred will be magnified by the economic crisis. We will use cruelty
wisely, knowing how to pacific all unrest and shut off freedom in all
13. They
control DUMBs all over the world as they declare: “Secret
‘subterranean’ methods will be used by us to create this crisis. The
gold is all in our hands. Brute force turns mobs into bloodthirsty
beasts. When they have drunk their fill of blood, they can easily be
riveted into their chains. We will be safe because we will take
protective steps. We shall erase the word ‘freedom’ when we come into
our Kingdom.”
14. They
want to end religion and control the masses through mind control, as
they declare: “Mad raging by the blind mob, demagogy and anarchy will
inevitably lead to our despotism. Freemasonry blindly serves as a screen
for us and our objectives, but the plan of action of our force, remains
an unknown mystery. WE SHALL DESTROY GOD. It is indispensable for us to
undermine all faith and to put in its place arithmetical calculations
and material needs…The minds of the ignorant masses must be diverted and
given NO TIME TO THINK…The lower classes will follow our lead against
our intellectual rivals who we have already made cold and heartless from
our economic blows. When the hour strikes, we will be their only
What is the New World Order? According to
Wikipedia, the New World Order is explained as follows: “As a conspiracy
theory, the term New World Order or NWO refers to the emergence of a
totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories
about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist
agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an
authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign
nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails
the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history's
progress. Significant occurrences in politics and finance are
speculated to be orchestrated by an unduly influential cabal that
operates through many front organizations. Numerous historical and
current events are seen as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world
domination through secret political gatherings and decision-making
Ken Adachi from “educate-yourself.org” defines the NWO
as follows: “A generic term used to refer to a worldwide conspiracy
being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of
genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which
include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders,
and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility
of Europe (dominated by the British Crown) whose goal is to create a One
World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional
boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda.”
to a website called “biblebelievers.org” is the following, “I encourage
you to study the United Nations documents and also the treaties which,
once ratified by individual nations, become INTERNATIONAL LAW. The
United Nations created the Commission for Global Governance, if you
don't believe this, visit the United Nations website and look it up. The
Commission for Global Governance released a report: ‘Our Global
Neighborhood’, that predicates a world court, a global tax, and global
police force. And the U.S. State Department Publication 7277 outlines a
one world police force under the United Nations…The coming one world
government is being set up in the political arena under the flag of the
United Nations, through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission,
Council of Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International
Affairs, the Bilderbergers, and the Club of Rome whose members include
many world leaders, media personalities and other influential people.
The published goal of the Council of Foreign Relations for example is a
one world government…The core of these groups hold to the "Illuminist"
philosophy…A second focus is economics with free trade agreements, the
International Monetary Fund, World Bank and the Bank of International
Settlements. The coming global monetary crisis is intended to institute a
universal debt-based currency controlled by the International
Financiers and issued to individuals against biometric identification
cards…The third area of focus is religion. Organizations like the World
Council of Churches and the Parliament of World Religions were
established to introduce a new world religion. It is based on a
pantheistic/humanist philosophy…The New World Order will be SOCIALISM.
Read the United Nations declarations and treaties for proof of this
fact. …The goal of the CFR has been to influence all aspects of society
in such a way that one day Americans will one day find themselves in a
ONE NEW WORLD system, whether they liked it or not. During the past 50
years, the US has been able to slowly erode our basic freedoms by hiding
behind clichĂ©'s such as "national security”, all for the goal of
conditioning US citizens at getting to the point where entering a one
world government will seem natural to all Americans.
on the back of the US dollar bill is a logo depicting the Illuminati
“all seeing eye”, a 13 step pyramid without a capstone, and the Latin
words “Novus Ordo Seclorum” meaning, “New World Order”.
is absolutely guaranteed that there will be a New World Order and that
it will set itself up during the final tribulation period; it will rise
into power by its own hand as it will not be an elected governing body.
And it will be eventually ruled by one Despot, the Antichrist; the son
of perdition.
John 17:12 While I was with them in the
world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept;
that none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the
Scripture might be fulfilled.
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